Sunday, July 29, 2012

apricot tree - fully loaded!

All the branches are weighed down.

Lots of lost ones under the tree in the rock mulch and on the driveway.

Two in an old bird's nest — not staged, I swear!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

weekend update

In the raised bed, the fennel is bonkers. Note to self: next year put a tomato cage on it while it's still small! Robesons are ripening.

Lots of bees (and hornets!) in the fennel

In the south-facing bed, Sungolds are looking good. Lost one of the three basil plants — other two are ok. One has totally bolted already.

First Sungolds and Robeson!

Friday, July 13, 2012

plants list

I made a new site to keep track of plants I'm interested in. Tags will sort for size, water needs, sun needs, flower color, bloom time, zone, etc. Permanent link at the top of the sidebar column on the left.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

more apricots

This tree is not fooling around.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

apricot picking

Stacy came by to pick some apricots.

I helped, and picked enough for the tart I was making and bringing to a party at Stacy’s that night.

Tasty, but a little underdone, as it turned out. Should have pre-baked the shell.