Sunday, October 25, 2015

weekend update

Backyard: Cleaned up the raised bed. Pulled all the tomatoes, except one Sungold for now. Also left the yard volunteer arugula — they're still (!!!!) full of bees, and I hate to cut them back while it's still warm enough for the bees to be stocking up for winter.

(UPDATE: The bees were probably our backyard neighbor's — didn't know they'd gotten a hive!)


Late Sungolds:

Arugula and bees!

Fennel seeds:

Front yard: Front door pot:

Blackbird euphorbia and hens-and-chicks out by the mailbox:

Final diagram for the front door bed. Names in white are new plants, names in yellow are survivors from last year! [click for larger]

Sunday, October 18, 2015

weekend update

I ordered 2 leadwort plants and 3 blackbird euphorbia from Bluestone Perennials, and planted them on Saturday. Leadwort in the front door bed, euphorbia out by the mailbox/sidewalk.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

what’s blooming

October 2105 Bloom Day
Still bees in the arugula:

Arugula has taken over the yard. Note the primrose desperately trying to escape across the rock wall:

Sunday, October 4, 2015

weekend update

“The late, great horticulturist, J.C. Raulston once said, ‘You’re not stretching yourself as a gardener if you’re not killing plants.’ See what good gardeners we are?”
Ketzel Levine, Plant Talk, NPR, 2003
Saturday I put new geraniums and columbines in the front bed, to replace the ones that croaked this year. Ripped out the gray sagewort to make room.

From Geraniaceae Nursery:
- 2 @ Geranium procurrens × Geranium psilostemon ‘Ann Folkard’
- 2 @ Geranium richardsonii

From Digging Dog Nursery:
- 1 @ Geranium ‘Dilys’
- 2 @ Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Leprechaun Gold’
- 2 @ Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Ruby Port’

After ripping out the sage:

After amending the soil with mushroom compost and YumYum Mix and planting:

After re-mulching with leaf litter: