Oh, hi. Yeah, so I dropped off this blog after June. Lots of things just went south and I didn't feel like documenting the carnage. Here's the TL;DR version:
The only two tomato plants I picked up at the Spring Garden Fair got hit by Curly Top Virus, and croaked.
Everything I planted in the backyard east bed all died, except for the Philadelphus.
The apricot tree out front died, rotted out from the base — leaning precariously into the neighbors' drive, threatening to crush their pickup if it fell over. No saving it, so we had it taken out. The arborists didn't poison the stump, and I had hope the 30-year-old root system might throw up some suckers, but that never happened.
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Good news: we had the coyote fence rebuilt and extended. It's beautiful. Bad: the fence guys finished it up December 15, the day Cheyenne died.