Sunday, May 31, 2020

weekend update

Saturday Bram wanted to make sure his car still started and he had some library books to return, so I tagged along to get out of the house and to go to Payne's. Got basil and marigolds for the raised bed in the backyard and a packet of Purple Prince zinnia seeds for the front door pot. Tomatoes are doing well. East bed in the backyard is looking good. Wonder if we'll get any flowers on the Philadelphus this year.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

week(end) update

Tuesday I went to the farmers' market this week, in search of tomato plants. Turned out The Vagabond Farmers were selling starts there! They are farming at the Farministas space this year, so that's a nice bit of continuity. They didn't have any Robesons or Sungold, so I ended up getting a Black Krim (another black Russian type) and a Yellow Pear. I think they both have slightly longer growing times, so fingers crossed. I'll probably go to the farmers' market again this week and see if anyone has basil and/or marigolds and/or something for the front door pot. (Also planning on getting actual food.) Traditional tomato-plants-in-my-car photo:

Wednesday Put them out to harden off.

Sunday Planted tomatoes. Don't remember, but I must have finished the bottle of Superthrive Stacy gave me before she moved. Will need to get some more of that as well.

[click to embiggen]

Some details from the pano: volunteer dill growing from a crack in the flagstones, protected by pieces of firewood; chives are blooming; the culinary sage is also blooming, don't remember that ever happening before.