Friday, May 18, 2018

week update

So I forced myself to do some gardening after work this past week. First-world problems, I know. At least the weather has been lovely.

Monday   Weeded around the raised bed and in the yard across the path from it. Cleared out last year's dried arugula stems/seed pods. Taylor was very interested in all the new sniffs. Hacked back the daylilies — it's going to take disassembling the railroad ties to get that one clump out. Raked all the straw to one side and forked in a bag of mushroom compost. Pulled the drip hose out of the shed (there was much swearing). Set up a line of folded tomato cages as a temporary fence to keep the dog out. ಠ_ಠ

Tuesday   Added Yum-Yum Mix to raised bed. Planted tomatoes, basil, Italian parsley (lookin' pretty sad) and chives. Watered them in with Super Thrive. Set up the drip hose and re-mulched with the straw. Put tomato cages around not only the tomatoes, but also the basil and chives. I believe this is what they refer to in dog training circles as “setting the dog up for success.” I still left the wheelbarrow in the path in front of the raised bed to dissuade Taylor from investigating/digging.

Wednesday   I finally picked up gravel to mulch the east bed. It sat for a week or so before I got around to it. I couldn't decide if it would be better to spread the gravel first (more of a pain to move it aside to plant stuff) or after planting (more of a pain to work around/not crush the plants). So I kind of did it in stages, moving all the new plants out of the bed, spreading the gravel behind where the plants would go, then planting and gently filling gravel in around, working my way from the back to the front. Got about halfway done. Set up the willow trellis thing flat with some random bamboo stakes in hopes of keeping the dog out.

Thursday   Finished planting and gravel mulching the east bed. The willow trellis just doesn't curve the way I need it to when extended to its full length, so I went back to the crossed bamboo. Used more stakes to get smaller openings. Hopefully it will dissuade the dog.

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